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How to Start a Podcast

Day 5: Defining Your Ideal Listener

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Today we discuss how to start defining your ideal avatar: that ONE perfect listener whose life you would change by them hearing your content. We dive into their demographics, their struggles, their fears, their desires, and how your podcast will move them from their current situation to their desired situation. We also discuss how to research and confirm who your ideal avatar is for your podcast. We will cover where to find your ideal avatar, how to discover more information about them, what the best tools are to research them, and what market questions to ask when interviewing your ideal avatar.

Steps for Skill Mastery:

  1. Hypothesize about who your ideal avatar is
  2. Research your ideal avatar
  3. Interview you ideal avatar
  4. Confirm and declare your ideal avatar

Step 1: Creating a Hypothesis About Your Ideal Avatar

Your ideal avatar is that ONE perfect podcast listener that helps you answer any decision you need to make about your podcast because we will continually keep asking ourselves “What would my ideal avatar want?”

By answering this question again and again, we create a podcast that our listener keeps coming back all the time and LOVES every episode.

Activity: Write an Initial Description

Write your initial description of the ONE ideal listener whose life would change BECAUSE they listen to your podcast.

Now let's write out a few identifiers of our ideal avatar based on their demographics so we can begin to search them out later on.

Activity: Write Out Their Demographics

Write out the demographic profile of your one perfect listener:

  • Age:
  • Sex:
  • Marital Status:
  • Education Level:
  • Employment Status:
  • Amount of Children:
  • Income Amount:
  • Other:

Now let’s understand how your ideal listener thinks, feels, and what they believe. We should understand exactly what is going on in our listener’s life so when we speak to them they feel you have made this podcast just for them.

Activity: Write Out Their Psychographics

Answer the following questions about your ideal avatar:

  • What are their biggest problems or struggles?
  • What are their biggest fears?
  • What are their biggest desires, dreams, and aspirations?

Now describe the current situation your ideal avatar is in their life. What sort of things are happening to them right now? Are they going through some sort of transition or transformation? What pains are they trying to escape?

Then describe the situation they desire to have in their life. What type of person do they want to become and what would they love to have in their life?

Then finally, how does your podcast help close the gap between where they are now to where they want to be.

Activity: Describe Their Life

Describe the following things about your ideal avatar's life:

  • Their current situation in life
  • Their desired situation in life
  • How does you podcast help your listener move from their current situation to their desired situation?

Now let's do some research to confirm that this person is your ideal avatar.

Step 2: Research Your Ideal Avatar

Our goal is to start understanding your ideal avatar, who they are, and how they think. We will first identify where these people hang out. This may be Facebook groups, LinkedIn, online summits or events, forums, in person meetups, coffee shops, etc. Start brainstorming where you ideal avatar frequently hangs out and talks about your topic.

Activity: Brainstorm Where To Find Your Ideal Avatar

Write down 5 specific places (online or off-line) your ideal avatar hangs out.

Once you have identified those places, spend some time there today (or this week) and write down some notes about them, what they are saying & doing, and what their personality is like.

Activity: Observe Your Ideal Avatar

Write down a few recurring observations that you noticed researching your avatar in these places

Now let’s find out a little more information about what kind of content these people are consuming online. Here is a list of some of my favorite resources to use to identify trending and popular topics that my ideal avatar wants to consume content about.

  • - Look at the Top blogs, posts, and comments being shared about a particular topic
  • Amazon Books – Look at the Top 10 books in your topic category
  • Top 10 Influencers in your niche – Study their content

Once you have identified some content you ideal avatar consumes, spend some time there today (or this week) and write down some notes about them.

Activity: Observe Your Ideal Avatar

Write down a few recurring observations that you noticed researching your avatar in these places

Now let's dive a little deeper by getting to know our ideal avatar personally.

Step 3: Interview Your Ideal Avatar

Now that we know a little about our avatar & where we can find them, it’s time to actually speak with some of them. We want to understand their situation and how they think in their own words. There is no better way to do this than interviewing them.

You are going to ask at least 5 people who are as close to your avatar as possible to jump on a 15 minute call with you. Its okay if you can not complete your one on one calls today, but it is important to at least reach out and start getting them scheduled.

Below are 4 must ask questions during your interviews:

  • How did you get into ________________ (thing related to your podcast topic)?
  • What is you biggest struggle with ________________ (thing related to your podcast topic)?
  • What is it you desire most out of ________________ (thing related to your podcast topic)?
  • What are your favorite podcast to listen to?

Additionally, if you’re conversation is going really well and you really connecting with the person, there is a list of 10 questions to dive deeper with them.

Ten Deep Dive Questions:

  • What keeps you awake at night?
  • What are you afraid of? What is deepest fear?
  • What are you angry about? Who are you angry at?
  • What are you top 3 daily frustrations?
  • What trends are occurring and will occur in their lives?
  • What do they secretly desire most?
  • Is there built in bias as to how they make decisions?
  • Do they have their own language or jargon?
  • Who else is providing content to them & how?
  • Who has tried providing content to them & failed?

Activity: Interview Your Ideal Avatar

  1. Ask at least 5 people who are as close to your avatar as possible to jump on a 15 minute call with you.
  2. Ask them the four must ask questions
  3. If the interview is going well, ask them some of the deeper questions.

After you have done your initial research and had you 5 calls with your ideal avatar, write down some notes about the common themes, problems, desires, etc that came up.

Activity: Journal and Answer the Following Questions

Write down reflections to the following questions:

  • What common themes occurred?
  • What common problems or struggles occurred?
  • What common desires, dreams, and aspirations occurred?

Now that we have begun to deeply understand our ideal avatar, let's confirm or rework our initial hypothesis about them.

Step 4: Declare Your Ideal Avatar

Now go back to your notes and evaluate the descriptions you wrote about your ideal avatar. Is your avatar actually the person you thought it would be? If not, write down the differences that occurred.

Activity: Write a Revised Description

Write your revised description of the ONE ideal listener whose life would change BECAUSE they listen to your podcast.

Then describe their current situation, desired situation, and how your podcast bridges that gap based on the research you conducted today.

Activity: Describe Their Life

Describe the following things about your ideal avatar's life:

  • Their current situation in life
  • Their desired situation in life
  • How does you podcast help your listener move from their current situation to their desired situation?

Now you know exactly who this podcast is for which will make answering questions about creating it so much easier!

Skill Lesson Mastered

Demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills presented in this lesson by applying it to the above activity. If, and only if, you have a full understanding and have mastered the knowledge and skills presented in this lesson, select the next lesson in the navigation.

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