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How to Start a Podcast

Day 23: Creating An Intro & Outro

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Today we discuss how to create an intro and outro for your podcast by either hiring someone or doing it yourself, and what to include and say in your intro and outro.

Steps for Skill Mastery:

  1. Create an intro for your podcast
  2. Create an outro for you podcast

Step 1: Create Your Intro

Your podcast intro is what gets your podcast listener excited for the podcast and reminds them of why they are here and what value they will get from the show.

Below is a sample outline of what a podcast intro could include and then room for you to write your own podcast intro.

Sample Intro Outline

Say hello to your audience & introduce yourself

  • “Welcome to xxxx. My name is xxxx….”
  • Ex. Welcome to Evolve. My name is Brandon Stover.

Tell them the WHY of the show

  • I believe xxxxxx….”
  • Ex. I believe that evolution of the world requires evolution of the individual

Give the purpose of them tuning in

  • “So with this show I will bring you xxxxx so that you can xxxxxx….”
  • Ex. So with this show I will bring you the people and ideas to hack growth in your business and your life...

Segway to the show

  • Tagline or rally call
  • Ex. It’s time to Evolve

Activity: Create Your Intro

Start by answering the following questions to start crafting your intro:

  • How would you like to say hello to your audience?
  • What is the WHY of your show?
  • Why should they tune into listen? What can they expect from the show?
  • How would you like to rally call or segway into the show?

Now put all the pieces together in a short paragraph that can be said in 30 seconds or less.

Record your intro and edit for supreme sound quality.

Now let's move to creating your outro

Step 2: Create Your Outro

Your podcast outro is what thanks your podcast listener for tuning in and gives them a call to action after the episode is over.

Below is a sample outline of what a podcast outro could include and then room for you to write your own podcast intro.

Sample Outro Outline

Say goodbye to your audience and thank them for listening

  • “Thank you so much for tuning into xxxx…”
  • Ex. Hey you, yes you. I want to thank you so much for listening…

Give them a call to action

  • If you are enjoying this content then do xxxxxx….”
  • Ex. If this content is delivering value to you, then please open up your podcast app and leave a rate and review….

End the show

  • Closing Tagline
  • Ex As always my friend, keep evolving.

Activity: Create Your Outro

Start by answering the following questions to start crafting your outro:

  • How would you like to say goodbye to your audience?
  • What is the ONE action you would like them to take after listening?
  • How would you like to end the show?

Now put all the pieces together in a short paragraph that can be said in 30 seconds or less.

Record your outro and edit for supreme sound quality.

Once you have done this, you are ready to edit them and add them to all your episodes.

Bonus: Podcast Music

Below are some places for you to find podcast music you may be able to use in your podcast. As always, check the copyright before using it looking for:

  • Creative Commons Music
  • Royalty-Free Music
  • Public Domain Music

Best places to get free podcast music:

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Demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills presented in this lesson by applying it to the above activity. If, and only if, you have a full understanding and have mastered the knowledge and skills presented in this lesson, select the next lesson in the navigation.

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