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How to Solve Climate Change

Day 63: Creating a Solution

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Today you will learn how to create a solution to climate change and develop a plan to implement it.


You've heard the most prominent solutions proposed for this global challenge. It's now time for you to create a plan for the action you wish to take in the world in order to solve this problem. You can contribute to one of these solutions or create an entirely new one.

While you were listening, you were evaluating the solutions:

  • Who/What benefits from this solution?
  • Who/What is harmed from this solution?
  • How effective are these solutions?
  • What are their consequences?
  • How feasible are they to implement?
  • What will be required to implement them?
  • Most importantly, am I interested in it and would I be excited to contribute my skills to this solution?
  • Or what solutions are missing? Can I create a new one?

How to create a solution

You may have an idea about the solution that is required to solve this global challenge. Its time to finish our process to make that solution a reality.

That process includes:

  • Choosing a solution, a hypothesis about solving this global challenge.
  • Designing a plan for how the solution will be implemented.
  • Use that plan to implement your solution.
  • Measure the results of your implementation.
  • Assess the solution for its effectiveness at ACTUALLY solving the problem.
  • Iterate and develop a more effective solution based on what you learn.
  • Apply and continue this process until the global challenge is actually solved.

Additional Resources


Today, let's discuss your plan

  • Objective, goal, north star, what are we trying to accomplish?
  • What does it look like right now?
  • What will it look like when we succeed?
  • List your action steps. For each action step, include:
  • Individuals involved
  • Resources needed
  • Timeline or date by which the action should be completed?
  • Potential difficulties of accomplishing this step
  • What does success look like and how will evaluate it?

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