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How to Find Your Purpose

Discover your purpose in life, combining who you are with making an impact in the world, and learn the proven tools and strategies to achieve it.

100% Online
Start now & learn at your own pace
Activities With Every Lesson
Master skills on real projects
10 Minute Daily Lessons
Activities take less than 1 hour
Beginner Level
Brandon Stover
Taught by:
Brandon Stover
President & Founder
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Course Overview

In just 10 minutes a day over 27 days, you will develop passions into purpose, finding out who you really are, how to make an impact in this world, and finally feel a sense of fulfillment in your life.

What You Will Learn

  • Why you need to stop trying to “find” your purpose—and what to do instead
  • How to uncover your deepest-held values that can supercharge the sense of purpose you feel
  • How to retrain your brain with an action mindset to go after BIG dreams and goals and make them a reality
  • Why you need to stop listening to others and create your own path - and how to successfully walk it
  • How to solve massive problems in your life and the lives of others
  • How to find a career that is authentic to you and has social impact
  • What your impact in the world should be
  • How to set clear, attainable goals – and the tools to achieve them
  • How to finally stop struggling with productivity and use your purpose as a renewable source of motivation

What You Will Achieve

Discover your interests, strengths, values, dreams and turn them into passion

Put your passion into service of others to solve global challenges and discover purposeful work

Create productive systems to put purpose into practice with intense motivation

Who is This Course For

  • Dispassionate and lost souls looking for direction in life and find out who they are
  • Young people looking for their own path for happiness and success
  • Early career changers looking to dramatically transform their life and career with meaning
  • Aspiring social impact leaders who want to make a difference in the world
  • Passionate creatives who want to help others with their skills

What This is Course About

What Does it All Mean?

Seriously, why are we here?

We were all told that if we just work hard in school, get good grades, get a college degree, and land a job that we will be happy and successful.

Then maybe get married, have some kids, watch Netflix on the weekend, and hit up Taco Tuesdays for some extra spice in life.

But is that really all there is? Is this it?

You’re frustrated you could be doing more with your life but you just don’t know how.

You are on a never ending cycle of trial & error and groping around in the dark trying to discover the principles by which one creates a purposeful, passionate life.

I'm not just talking about outward "success". I'm talking about inner meaning — loving your work, waking up excited!

But what should you do with your life?

“Follow your passion!” is what all the gurus will shout at you. What if you don’t know your passion? And what does that even mean? 

Being like your friend who has been trying to get that YouTube channel off the ground for the last 3 years? Surely our work means something more than this, right?!?

Find Out Who You Really Are

Yes, there absolutely is.

Somewhere inside you, there’s a person with a really good reason to get out of bed and face each day with intention and purpose. 

There’s a person who wants to take on challenges with passion and grit. 

There’s a person who can do important, meaningful things with their life. To make a difference in the world.

But you’ll never get to be that person if the way you live your life isn’t aligned with everything you want to do and who you want to be.

You need a sense of direction, a guiding force that helps you through all the obstacles and barriers life puts in your way. 

You need a purpose in your life.

Discover How to Make Impact in This World

You see the challenges our world is facing: climate change, poverty, inadequate healthcare, collapsing economies, and dozens other anxiety producing tragedies…

What if I told you that in your unique set of passions and skills you could make a MASSIVE difference in these issues?

And wouldn't that be work worth doing? 

Here is the secret they didn’t tell you: purpose is not found. It’s developed.

Purpose is about combining what is deeply, intrinsically meaningful to you, developing a skill set around that, and putting it into service of others.

But how?

Finally Reach Fulfillment, Meaning & Purpose in Life

If you're wandering around aimlessly in life, trying to figure out what it all means, then this course is for you. 

The How to Find Your Purpose course is a 27 day program that combines psychology and ancient wisdom with modern science and systems thinking to help you develop passions into purpose, find out who you really are, how to make an impact in this world, and finally feel a sense of fulfillment in your life.

You need zero prior experience to take the course — everything you need to know is explained step-by-step in this training program.

One of the best parts of this course (and all Plato University courses) is that you won't be learning alone.

By enrolling for FREE today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community of dedicated lifelong learners. You'll get to learn and grow alongside passionate learners and ask questions of instructors.

And you will also get worksheets, exercises, extra resources, and most importantly, the tools necessary to actually implement what you'll learn.

It’s time to take responsibility and control of your life. There's so much meaning and fulfillment waiting for you if you know the right places to look. 

We can show how. Join us.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Chase Morris
Chase Morris
UX Motion Designer @ UX in Motion

"Coming into the Plato community gave me the accountability, made what I wanted to accomplish completely achievable, and also it was just completely fun."

Courtney Laschkewitsch
Courtney Laschkewitsch
Open Innovation Product Developer

Holy cow. Brandon is the real deal. I've taken many many courses on many platforms from others, and I will have to say, when I took his Podcast Course, it was one of the best courses, material, and set up I have ever seen. No fluff, no wasting your time, actionable reachable SMART steps necessary to help you learn the skill and succeed. We need more people with the skills Brandon has!

Harrison Goldstein
Harrison Goldstein
Product & Partnerships @ Tradable Bits, Host of First Act Podcast

"I came to Brandon through his course on how to start your own podcast. Brandon's episodes stood out to me by how well organized they were. His ideas are clearly articulated and he breaks down exactly how to understand your target audience. Brandon is smart, approachable, friendly, and helpful. Highly recommend!"

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Meet Your Learning Facilitator

Brandon Stover

Brandon Stover

President & Founder

Brandon is the Founder of Plato University, where you can get a personalized education built around your passions, highly in-demand, real world skills, and the impact you want to make. Being a poor kid from the trailer park living in a broken home, he knows the power of education to transform ones life. But after chasing education's promise of a golden ticket, he graduated with a degree in a career he was not passionate about or felt would make a real difference in the world. Ultimately he had no meaning, impact, or sense of purpose in his life. Since then, he's surrounded himself with and learned from dozens of social entrepreneurs making a difference in the world, built half a decade of experience as a designer, marketer, and educator for mission driven companies, and built educational programs that have reached over 80,000 people.

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How It Works


10-20 min. Lesson

Short, daily lessons to easily understand concepts step by step until they are mastered.


Project Activity

Each lesson has project activities that can be completed in under 1 hour.


Extra Resources

Extra resources, coaching, & community questions to help you go deeper.

Person on laptop holding checked off task.
Learning at Plato University

Mastery Based Learning

Mastery-based learning is an instructional approach where students need to demonstrate a deep level of understanding of a topic  before progressing onto another. For this reason, our courses are broken down into short lessons with activities for a project that build on top of each other. As you complete activities you will begin to master the skills taught in the course and be able to apply those skills in real life.

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Available for This Course

Certificate of Completion

By taking a course at Plato University, you have the ability to earn a Skill Certificate to share with your professional community and showcase your skills and abilities. Skill Certificates are issued by the Plato University upon successful and demonstrable mastery of skills presented in this course.

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How to Find Your Purpose

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